Sun, Seed, & Soil: Tips & Techniques for a Nothern Garden - by Dan Rubin
Moving to Newfoundland from the Gulf Islands of British Columbia was a shock for long-time gardener Dan Rubin. Accustomed to warm, calm, and relatively predictable weather, Rubin faced long winters, strong winds, and constant salt spray at his new property perched on the edge of the north Atlantic.
Twenty years later, Rubin’s productive and lush seaside garden is filled with a range of crops, from tomatoes, squash, and greens to plums, artichokes, and even peaches.
Sun, Seed & Soil is a collection of practical tips and techniques for gardening in colder, northern climates, based on Rubin’s personal experiences and discoveries. It offers valuable advice for Canadian gardeners—particularly in Atlantic Canada—as well as those in the northern United States or anyone facing similar growing conditions.
Sun, Seed & Soil provides insight into:
- Choosing the right seeds to plant and building rich, organic soil
- Protecting plants from wind and cold to extend the growing season by months
- Using sustainable, regenerative approaches to avoid the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers
- Growing common vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruit trees, and bushes.
About the Author
DAN RUBIN is a retired educator who makes his home in a small town north of St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Since moving to Pouch Cove in 2002, he has turned his backyard garden into a showcase for season extension, creating a small greenhouse, building raised beds, and developing shelter systems for his plants. By composting and using local materials, he has discovered easy ways to use local materials to boost soil fertility.
Through his workshops, and as an operator of a heritage seed company, Perfectly Perennial Herbs and Seeds, Dan has been inspiring a return to self-sufficiency and homegrown food.
He is the author of six books, dozens of articles and short stories, and award-winning poetry. A composer, his original music has been released on 14 acoustic albums that he has recorded with his friends.
In 2002, Dan was recognized as a Community Champion by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University for his work as a founder and chairperson of Food Producers Forum, a provincial non-profit helping restore local food production and food justice.
Author: Dan Rubin
Publisher: Boulder Publications Limited
Copyright © 2023
ISBN: 9781989417508
Paperback: 336 pages
Dimensions: 8" x 10"